Bruce W. Gore Online School of Christian Studies
Lessons for {{courseName}}: Unit {{unitNumber}}
Step 2: Downloads
Please click here for download
Please click here for text
Quiz for Unit {{qzUnit}}, Lesson {{qzLesson}}
Question {{qzNumber}}: {{item.qzQst}}
Your score for the quiz is: {{quizScore}}%
This is your final essay. No further edits allowed.
Critique by your teacher (if any):
Further comments by your teacher:
Further comment by your teacher (if any):
Score for this essay:
You may add students to your roster (up to 10) by provided an email and password for each student. To use the site, the student that you added must register (upper right) using the email and password you provided! If you prefer, you may register your student (upper right), and then provide login information to your student.
Students you currently have registered are listed below. Click the student id to manage student performance and progress.
The buttons below provide details for {{studentId}}
{{average1 | number:0}}
{{average2 | number:0}}
{{average3 | number:0}}
{{average4 | number:0}}
{{$index + 1}}
{{itx.entryScore | number }}%
{{itx.entryScore | number }}%
{{itx.entryScore | number }}%
{{itx.entryScore | number }}%
Essay for Unit {{qzUnit}}, Lesson {{qzLesson}}
======================Teacher Comment======================
Please enter corrected score for this item: