Online Courses

You will find here a collection of Bruce's course offerings that he has taught over the years. The lectures are available at no charge, and may be accessed by clicking the dropdown button on the left below.

A few of the courses are offered as interactive classes appropriate for homeschoolers or those who prefer a more structured approach. These courses include collateral reading, quizzes, and essays, and direct interaction with Bruce. To learn more about any of these offerings, please register (at no cost or obligation) or login as indicated in the upper right of this screen.

If you are a teacher (private school or homeschool) and are interested in registering as a teacher who will assume responsibility for students taking this course under your supervision, please click the 'Teacher' button below for more information.

Here are the courses for which you are currently registered. To access the course, please click the button below.

Context Greek

Thanks for taking a look at this interactive course, Historical Context of the Bible, taught by Bruce Gore. As the name implies, this course will provide a thorough introduction to the ancient historical and cultural setting of the Old and New Testaments. The course relies on the text authored by Bruce Gore, Historical and Chronological Context of the Bible, available from Amazon and other on-line booksellers for about $25 to $30. The course also relies on engaging videos, quizzes, and short writing assignments in a self-paced journey through the twelve chapters of Gore's text. The cost for the course is $40 US, which includes direct review and interaction with Bruce, and a copy of the textbook in pdf format. If you have registered as a teacher who would like to offer this material for up to ten of your own students, and assume responsibility for instructional oversight, the opportunity to register your students will be provided after you register. All payments are handled securely through PayPal. To register for the course, click 'register' below. If you have further questions, you may e-mail Bruce directly at Thanks for your interest. Hope to see you in Context of the Bible!

The button below will take you to the secure PayPal site. Be sure to provide the same email address at PayPal as you have used to register at this site. Otherwise, your registration payment will not post to our server correctly! After you register, you will receive an email giving instructions as to how to proceed.

Thanks for taking a look at this interactive course, History of the Christian Movement, taught by Bruce Gore. As the name implies, this course will provide an introduction to the history of the church, covering its major personalities and the challenges it has faced over the centuries. The course relies on the text by Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language, available from Amazon and other on-line booksellers for a reasonable price. The course also incorporates engaging videos, quizzes, and short writing assignments in a self-paced journey through history since the first century. The cost for the course is $40 US, which includes direct review and interaction with Bruce. If you are a teacher who would like to offer this material to two or more of your own students, and assume responsibility for instructional oversight, price discounts are available. Please e-mail Bruce at for more information. All payments are handled securely through PayPal. To register for the course, click 'register' below. If you have further questions, you may e-mail Bruce directly at Thanks for your interest. Hope to see you in History of the Christian Movement!

Thanks for taking a look at this interactive course, Philosophy and History of Christian Thought, taught by Bruce Gore. As the name implies, this course will provide a survey of the history of philosophy, with an emphasis on the development of Christian understanding along the way. The course relies on engaging videos of lectures to a real class of high school seniors, along with quizzes, collateral readings, and short writing assignments in a self-paced journey through the history of philosophical thought. The course consists of 90 lessons, divided into two parts, each part priced at $40 US, which includes direct review and interaction with Bruce. If you are a teacher who would like to offer this material to two or more of your own students, and assume responsibility for instructional oversight, your registration payment includes additional registration of up to 10 students. For detailed instruction on how to proceed, please download the "Teacher Manual" from the link on the "Online Courses" tab. All payments are handled securely through PayPal. To register for the course, click 'register' below. If you have further questions, you may e-mail Bruce directly at Thanks for your interest. Hope to see you in Philosophy and History of Christian Thought!

This course is part two of the Philosophy and History of Christian Thought series. It is currently under construction, and should be ready for registration in the near future. Please check back later, or you can contact Bruce at for more information. Thanks for your interest!

Thanks for taking a look at this interactive course, New Testament Greek for Beginners, taught by Bruce Gore. As the name implies, the course is intended for absolute beginners to the Greek language, but by the time you are done, you will have a very solid foundation in the original language of the New Testament. The course uses the classic Greek textbook by J. Gresham Machen (readily available from on-line booksellers for about $10 - $15), along with videos, answer keys, interactive practice exercises, and quizzes, in a self-paced journey through the thirty-three chapters of Machen's fine little text. If you would like to see a brief video by Bruce explaining how the course works (which is highly recommended!), click the button labeled 'video' below. This course is organized in four units. Each unit costs $20 US. Payment is handled securely through PayPal. To register for the course, click 'register,' below. If you have further questions, you may e-mail Bruce directly at Thanks for your interest. Hope to see you in Greek!

The courses offered here may be taught in a homeschool or private school environment, under the supervision of a user registered as a teacher. When you register (upper right of this screen), click the checkbox for 'teacher.' Then when you enroll for a course, you will be provided the option of adding up to 10 students at no additional charge. You as teacher will be fully responsible for overseeing your students.

It looks like you have already registed for this course! Thank you! If you think there is an error, or if you have forgotten your login credentials, please contact our office at


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